package org.prevayler.demos.demo2.gui; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.util.*; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.table.*; import net.sourceforge.javamatch.engine.*; import net.sourceforge.javamatch.query.*; import org.prevayler.Prevayler; import*; /** * Class MatchFrame shows the results of matching the data in the bank demo * application */ class MatchFrame extends JInternalFrame { private Prevayler prevayler; private JButton refreshButton; private JTable matchTable; private DefaultTableModel matchTableModel; /** * Creates a new MatchFrame, that uses the given Prevayler persistent storage * mechanism, and puts itself in the given parent container. */ MatchFrame(Prevayler prevayler, Container container) { super("Interesting accounts"); this.prevayler = prevayler; initUI(); refreshTable(); container.add(this); setVisible(true); } /** * Initializes the user interface */ private void initUI() { setBounds(100,70,400,250); getContentPane().setLayout(new BorderLayout(0, 0)); JPanel buttonPanel = new JPanel(); buttonPanel.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.RIGHT, 0, 0)); refreshButton = new JButton("Refresh"); refreshButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) { refreshTable(); } }); buttonPanel.add(refreshButton); getContentPane().add(buttonPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH); matchTableModel= new DefaultTableModel(); matchTableModel.setColumnIdentifiers(new String[] {"Match", "Account", "Balance", "#Entries"}); matchTable = new JTable(matchTableModel); getContentPane().add(new JScrollPane(matchTable), BorderLayout.CENTER); } /** * Refreshes the table that shows the top-10 matching results */ private void refreshTable() { matchTableModel.setRowCount(0); Bank bank = (Bank)prevayler.prevalentSystem(); java.util.List accounts = bank.accounts(); try { // create the match engine MatchEngine matchEngine = new MatchEngine(); // create the match query OrList query = new OrList(); query.addMatchQuery(new Maximum("balance()")); query.addMatchQuery(new Maximum("transactionHistory().size()")); // execute the match query MatchResult matchResult = matchEngine.executeQuery(query, accounts); // retrieve matching results Iterator resultIterator = matchResult.getResultIterator(); while (resultIterator.hasNext()) { ResultItem curResultItem = (ResultItem); Account matchedAccount = (Account)curResultItem.getMatchedObject(); // create a row in the table that displays the matching results Object[] rowData = new Object[4]; rowData[0] = new Float(curResultItem.getMatchValue()); rowData[1] = matchedAccount; rowData[2] = new Long(matchedAccount.balance()); rowData[3] = new Integer(matchedAccount.transactionHistory().size()); matchTableModel.addRow(rowData); } } catch (MatchException me) { System.out.println(me); } } }